Numün :: Opening

New York’s numün never quite fit into the ambient country mold associated with founder Bob Holmes’s other group SUSS. The team-up with Joel Mellin and Christopher Romero of Balinese music ensemble Gamelan Dharma Swara meant numün was always going to be about finding the common ground between big sky drift and eastern drone. Their third album Opening positions them somewhere between Bruce Langhorne and Popol Vuh. But it also shows them capable of whipping up a slow-motion psychedelic boogie whenever the mood hits.

Bob Holmes (SUSS, numün, Ambient Country) :: The Aquarium Drunkard Interview

One of the ambient country scene’s biggest proponents for almost a decade now has been Bob Holmes, whose work with SUSS, numün and the Ambient Country podcast — among many other efforts — have spread the gospel far and wide. Holmes’ latest project is Across The Horizon, a collaboration with Northern Spy Records that brings onboard various like-minded artists drawn “from the wide landscape of instrumental music” (including Luke Schneider, Marisa Anderson, William Tyler and more) to curate a series of digital releases that will culminate next year in a double LP compilation of stellar sonic explorations. 

Numün :: Book of Beyond

On numün’s excellent new album Book of Beyond, the synthesis of earth and space seems more complete. Indeed, the entire album exudes a kind of gravity, decidedly reminiscent of the wide-open melancholy of Bruce Langhorne’s Hired Hand. numün have perfected something like a space-age cowboy music here, plaintive and freighted. Even its sci-fi sonic filigree, the theremin trills and Mellotron moans, seem like signifiers of a future that has already been foreclosed.

numün :: voyage au soleil

Inspired by mankind’s visit to its nearest celestial body, numün’s debut full length voyage au soleil layers stringed instruments, percussion, and ambient sound. Featuring members of SUSS and Gamelan Dharma Swara, the trio’s debut lp suggests ever farther out trips into deep space, and deep listening.