Videodrome :: Leviathan (1989)

Released in tandem with a plethora of other aquatic-based horror/sci-fi thrillers, George P. Cosmatos’ Leviathan (1989) is a prime example of cinematic micro-trends and the old Hollywood adage, “give us the same, but different.”

The Cult of Kristofferson

Kris Kristofferson wasn’t a natural fit to become a Hollywood leading man. But in the misfit era of the 1970s, his rough and edgy all-American charm made him the perfect choice for a number of iconoclastic directors. His star may have fallen in the 1980s but there are a number of cult movies throughout his five-decade career that take advantage of his one-of-a-kind charisma.

Videodrome :: The Plastic Dome of Norma Jean (1966)

At times, Juleen Compton’s The Plastic Dome of Norma Jean feels like a French New Wave version of A Hard Day’s Night or the lesser-known Arch Hall Jr. vehicle, Wild Guitar, refracted through the lens of an episode of The Twilight Zone. The strange blend of Merseybeat pop music, Americana naturalism, and La Nouvelle Vague aesthetics gives the film a surreal undercurrent. Coupled with a storyline that dabbles in mysticism and folk prophecies, The Plastic Dome of Norma Jean is nothing if not an oddity of 1960s American independent films, made all the odder by the fact that Compton had full carte blanche to make the film however she wanted.

Videodrome :: Christmas Evil (1980)

Christmas Evil may seem like a hokey slasher film done up in garland and wreaths, but it’s a tragic character study that speaks directly to the motifs of the holiday season. With the thematic tissue of a Christmas film and the derangement of a horror film, filmmakers such as John Waters have referred to Christmas Evil as “the greatest Christmas film of all time.”

Videodrome :: The Reflecting Skin (1990)

The Reflecting Skin looks at explosions of both the emotional and nuclear kind and the ghastly fallout they leave behind. As the film navigates the battlefield of youth and innocence—of false narratives confused for honest declarations, of skeleton-filled closets that no one wants to open—it poetically reminds audiences that the worst nightmares occur during waking hours, committed by flesh-and-blood beings in the glow of golden sunlight.

Videodrome :: Obsession (1976)

Obsession is Brian De Palma and Paul Schrader at their most deliriously Hitchcockian, their fandom for the revered British director bursting forth from every frame. Obsession functions as a tale of memory and fixations as much as it works as a fanatical, meta-textual analysis of its creators: two young filmmakers obsessed with Vertigo, attempting to recreate their memory of it in their own image.

Videodrome :: Stop Making Sense (1984)

Stop Making Sense is unabashedly effervescent, like a jolt of straight dopamine. For being a concert film about a famous band at the height of their success, there’s nothing about Stop Making Sense that’s trying to be cool or sexy, flashy or pedantic — it’s just trying to have a good time.

Videodrome :: Husbands (1970)

Husbands is the unvarnished truth of masculinity in crisis, as deeply flawed and unflattering as it may be. In the absence of judgment and editorialization of its character’s actions, Husbands becomes one of the most wounded and unflinchingly honest deconstructions of the American male in cinema.