High Llamas & Healing Potpourri :: In Conversation

Sean O’Hagan’s High Llamas project has always followed its creator’s whims. But with Hey Panda, the Llamas embark on their most unexpected journey yet, straight into the heart of the auto-tuned, hyper pop fixated social media feed. Simi Sohota of Healing Potpourri joins O’Hagan to unpack the new album, consider the spiritual life of pianos, and reflect on the way the ’90s changed how musicians approach—and shatter—the concept of genre.

High Llamas :: Sister Friends

From the opening keys to the bouncy, echoing synths: indeed, the High Llamas are back with their immediate, radiating brand of orchestral lounge music. The last time we checked in with the prolific Sean O’Hagan, he referenced a parallel to the career trajectory of Robert Wyatt to describe his own creative tear of late. Perhaps recalling Mary Hansen’s vocals on Llamas tracks of yesteryear, the swaying new single “Sister Friends” features English pop singer Rae Morris taking lead vocals in a lush, jazzy duet.