Winged Wheel :: Big Hotel

Winged Wheel was already a supergroup of sorts. With the band’s second LP they’ve gotten even super-er. Big Hotel brings the whole gang back together: Cory Plump (Spray Paint, Expensive Shit), Whitney Johnson (Matchess, Damiana), Fred Thomas (Tyvek, Idle Ray) and Matthew Rolin (Powers/Rolin Duo). But it also adds two serious ringers to the mix — Sonic Youth’s mighty sticksman Steve Shelley and Water Damage’s similarly mighty Lonnie Slack.

Winged Wheel :: No Island

A remote supergroup from members of Matches, Spray Paint, Expensive Shit, and Tyvek dives into My Bloody Valentine and Cocteau Twins bliss. The result reveals the wonders of modern technology and the exceptional musicianship and editing skills of these American rock, drone, and experimental elites.