Geologist :: The Aquarium Drunkard Interview

We caught up with Brian Weitz (Geologist) late in February about his new collaborative record with Doug Shaw, A Shaw Deal, which transforms guitar sounds into an eclectic, sometimes unrecognizable shapes and patterns, as well as about his fascination with the renaissance instrument, the hurdy-gurdy, which he first heard at a Keiji Haino concert at Tonic in the aughts, and now employs to create hallucinatory improvised sets, about as far from the Ren Faire as a stringed instrument can wander. He’ll be releasing an album of hurdy-gurdy music later this year.

Transmissions :: Panda Bear and Sonic Boom

Built on loops culled from doo wop, psychedelic pop, and early rock & roll records, Panda Bear and Sonic Boom’s new album Reset is an exuberant and oracular listen. In this all-new episode of our weekly interview podcast Transmissions, Noah Lennox (Panda Bear) and Peter Kember (Sonic Boom) sit down with host Jason P. Woodbury to discuss their collaborative partnership, the influence of far out futurist Buckminster Fuller, memory and musical optimism.

Catching Up With Avey Tare

As the world seemingly draws to a stop, Portner finds himself quarantined at home in Western North Carolina amidst work on Animal Collective’s eleventh studio album, the first album since 2012 to feature all four original band members.